Feijoas provide great nutritional value this autumn

Just in time for cooler temperatures across Aotearoa, the annual feijoa crop is now in good supply.

Bursting with flavour and nutritional value, feijoas are a Kiwi favourite and a staple of lunchboxes throughout the autumn months.

New Zealand Feijoa Growers Association (NZFGA) manager Ian Turk says much of the 2023 crop has escaped significant damage from flooding in January and Cyclone Gabrielle.

“Feijoas are grown commercially from Northland through to the top of the South Island. This geographical spread has helped maintain crop volumes despite a challenging season,” he says.

“While the weather has disrupted the usual timing of the season, and fruit is a little later this year than normal, we’re expecting a good supply of fruit this season,” says Turk.

While the amount of fruit will be similar to previous years, Turk warns that shoppers may find the feijoas in their local stores are more marked than usual.

“The high winds and adverse weather conditions have left their mark on the skin of the 2023 crop. But shoppers can be assured that the taste has not been compromised, you can still expect the same delicious flavour from this year’s crop,” he says.

Buying feijoas in season makes them a good value snack for all the whanau. They’re also an important addition to your diet as we start to see winter flu bugs emerging. 

Plant & Food Research Principal Scientist and 5+ A Day Charitable Trust spokesperson, Dr Carolyn Lister says feijoas provide valuable nutrition.

“Including just two feijoas a day through the autumn months will provide 64 per cent of your recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which has an important role in helping your immune system,” she says.

“Feijoas are also a source of dietary fibre which helps you feel fuller for longer and is important for digestive health,” Dr Lister says. 

5+ A Day reminds us while feijoas are the perfect snack food eaten as is, juiced or scooped out on your morning cereal or porridge, 5+ A Day suggests incorporating this delicious fruit in all sorts of recipes.

Feijoas originate in South America and they’re a natural addition to pair with spicy traditional Mexican dishes. On our website you’ll find a delicious recipe for feijoa nachos that is a must try this season. Or try adding feijoa and mixed spices such as ginger and cinnamon to a traditional banana smoothie for an extra nutrition boost for your morning tea.

For recipes to make the most of feijoas while they’re in season, head to the 5+ A Day website: https://www.5aday.co.nz/ and follow the 5+ A Day Charitable Trust on social media: @5adaynz 

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