Spaghetti Scrambled

Spaghetti Scrambled

This recipe makes one big great plate of deliciousness! A great way to start the day is to cook up this dish that is just so full of flavour and color. Don’t be afraid to go nuts on the cheese, as the cheesier the noodles and eggs are the better!

You Will Need:

1 onion
1 green capsicum
1 Tbsp oil
spaghetti noodles
3 eggs
2 Tbsp reduced fat milk
1 pinch of salt and pepper
2 Tbsp grated tasty cheese


Cook up the spaghetti noodels, drain and then set aside.
Whisk the eggs, milk, salt and pepper together in a small bowl and set aside.
In a large frying pan over a medium heat, cook the chopped onion and green capsicum in the oil, stir well with a spoon till they are soft and clear but have not browned.
Add the spaghetti to the onion and capsicum until it is warmed through.
Pour the egg mixture over the hot spaghetti.
Lift the spaghetti with a fish slice so the egg mixture can run underneath and cook, but do not stir more than necessary.
Be careful not to burn the bottom. Your egg will still be a bit runny on top.
Turn on the grill, take the frying pan off the element and top spaghetti with the grated cheese.
Using oven gloves place the scramble under the grill leaving the door open ajar and grill for a couple of minutes until cheese has browned.
Take out from under grill and leave to cool for a minute or two, then serve.

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