Thai Fish Cake Pitas with Rainbow Salad and Nuoc Cham

Thai Fish Cake Pitas with Rainbow Salad and Nuoc Cham

Pita breads are such a versatile meal base, and we love the colourful rainbow salad dressed with nuoc cham and fish cakes that these are served with!

Prep Time: 20 Minutes Cooking Time: 10 Minutes Serves: 4


8 fish cakes (we love United Fish Co.)
8 Gianni’s Pita Pockets
2 cups shredded lettuce
¼ red onion, thinly sliced
2-3 small carrots, grated (we love Wilcox Beta Bites)
½ red capscium, thinly sliced
¼ cup fresh coriander (we love Superb Herb)

For the Nuoc Cham salad dressing
¼ cup lime juice
2 Tbsp fish sauce
2 Tbsp white sugar
½ cup warm water
½ small chilli, finely sliced
1 garlic clove, finely chopped


  1. Cook the fish cakes as per pack instructions, and warm the pitas in the microwave for 15-20 seconds.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the lettuce, red onion, carrot, capsicum and coriander. Toss to mix.
  3. To make the nuoc cham dressing, combine the lime juice, fish sauce, sugar, water, chilli and garlic in a bowl; stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Pour over the salad and toss to dress.
  4. Cut open the pita pockets. Stuff each pocket with salad, then place the fish cake inside with the salad. Serve immediately.


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