Keto porridge

A person serving a shallow black bowl of porridge with nuts and coconut chips on top.

A simple warming porridge recipe perfect for those chilly mornings. If you’re looking for another gluten free porridge alternative, try our winter rice porridge recipe.

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Grilled venison fajitas

Three round flat bread topped with colourful food on long wooden board, more dishes around it.

These grilled venison fajitas will surely become a favourite meal. They’re packed with fresh flavours, colourful veggies and naturally lean and tender venison.

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Herby bacon focaccia

A loaf of bread topped with bacon and rosemary on a chopping board. Small pots of salt and oil.

Focaccia is a satisfying dish to make. Ours is topped with caramelised onion, bacon, and loads of fresh herbs. Make this when entertaining friends or family – they’ll thank you for it.

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