How to preserve fresh berries

Keep your berries fresh for longer by following one easy trick.

To preserve your berries, you will need:

DYC White Vinegar

  1. Mix a solution of 1 part DYC white vinegar with 3 parts water (ie 1/4 cup of vinegar added to 3/4 cup of water).
  2. Submerge the fruit in the solution for at least 30 seconds.
  3. Rinse in fresh water.
  4. Dry thoroughly – we recommend using a salad spinner lined with paper towels (for strawberries and blueberries). It is essential that the berries are very dry before you put them away.
  5. Once dry, pack them in a container, lined with a paper towel and store in the fridge.

Use your berries to top a pavlova or serve them in a tiramisu for a fresh twist.

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