Cheesy potato with bacon and egg

Cheesy potato with bacon and egg

Want a breakfast or brunch with a difference? Everyone will love these spuddy great potato cases with bacon, egg and stretchy cheese. This perfect potato recipe serves 4.


4 large potatoes, choose even-sized (we love Wilcox Red Jackets)
100g bacon
4 eggs, we use Woodland Free Range
2 tablespoons Mascarpone cheese
2 tablespoons
 mozzarella cheese, grated
Salt and pepper
Fresh parsley and chives (we love Superb Herb)


  1. Cook 4 large potatoes with their skin on in boiling water, or microwave to suit.
  2. Chop bacon into bits and cook in a pan until crisp.
  3. Dig out the inside of the cooked potatoes. 
  4. Spread a layer of mascarpone on the bottom of each potato.
  5. Cover with some bacon.
  6. Break an egg into each potato.
  7. Sprinkle with grated mozzarella on top of the yolk of the egg.
  8. Bake for 15 minutes at 180 ° C.
  9. When cooked, season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with some chopped fresh chives and parsley.

Serve with a green salad and tomatoes.

Tip: Mash up the cooked potato and freeze for another day.

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